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Advisor: Mrs. Darnell

ECPEC's Student Government was born when students in Mrs. Darnell's Civics & Econ, 2017, course researched the election process, created their own, and ran the school's first ever Student Government election. The candidates involved made commercials, posters, fliers, and participated in a debate hosted by the C&E class. Students in the class set up the rules and regulations surrounding the election, ran the voting polls, and set up an anonymous way to tally vote. Everyone enjoyed it!

Today, ECPEC's Student Government is still run by the students with Mrs. Darnell acting as Faculty Advisor. Students have created their parliamentary procedures.

Who can join? Students currently enrolled in ECPEC may run for election for the next school year. Elections take place in the Spring for the following school year.

Requirements? Officers must have been at ECPEC for a full school year before they may run for election. This is to acclimate themselves to the way an early college runs. All students are welcome to run for representative positions or to join committees, or to attend SGA meetings as community members.

Why? The SGA serves as the organizational group for student voice and activities. They are involved in community service, both within the school community and the Elizabeth City community. SGA has a Student Liaison who serves as part of both the ECPPS School Board as well as the ECP Early College SGA. This allows student concerns and voices to be heard in a broader scope.


2017 - 2018  Founding SGA

SGA Officers l-r: Yvonne Williams, Reporter; Makayla Bryant, President; J'Nya Perry,
Treasurer; Jordan Thornton, Vice President

L-R back row are Representatives LaKedria Stewart, Kaetyn Blanton, Kelly Begazo, Abby Midgette, Jonathon Harvey, and Kavon Hall; kneeling Sean Barrington, Vice president, Jordan Thornton, Treasurer J'Nya Perry, and President, MaKayla Bryant (not pictured, Yvonne Williams, Reporter)